I have an older post that talks about some of the differences between a panic attack and anxiety attacks so I won't go into alot of details in this post,but i did want to address whether there is a difference between a panic attack and anxiety attacks.And as a suffer of both of these conditions I can say without a doubt that there definately is a difference and they are not the same at all.
Panic Attacks and Anxiety Attacks do share some of the same signs and symptoms and are very closely related disorders but the main difference between the two are that a Panic Attack is usually a short and sudden onset of extreme irrational fear most often brought on by stress and anxiety,and normally occurs out of the blue.
On the other hand Anxiety Attacks usually happen very gradually,are less extreme,consist of symtoms like intense worry,nervousness,a general unease,and can last for hours,days and even weeks in more severe cases.
I hope this post has been helpful and clears up the question of whether there really is a difference between panic and anxiety attack.If you want more information check out my older post.There is a direct link to it in this post.